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Our Culture

Motivated by individuality and passion for industry success, our team are committed to ensuring we curate a company culture driven by a sustainable working environment, professional development and a clear focus on mental health… not to mention copious amounts of rum coffee.

Remote By Design, Close By Choice

We’re a friendly, free-range group of misfits, keyboard bashers and biscuit biters, all working remotely from office spaces, both homely and corporate. We’ve always advocated a comfortable working environment and, since national lockdown 1.0, we have given our staff the option to work from home, or in the office.

With various communication channels in place and barely a motorway stretch between us, our team are in constant contact with each other and aim to meet up face to face, regularly. A workforce may not always see webcam, to webcam, but we know that any diverging opinions are only job-related and fundamentally, every member of Design Box is here for the same reason because they want to be.

Work-Life Balance

Working shouldn’t be your life and life shouldn’t all be about work. It’s easy for the lines to get blurred when you’re office is your child’s bedroom or your dining room. So, at Design Box, we try to do all that we can to create a happy, healthy work-life balance. 

Our agile working policy allows our workforce to have flexibility in their Monday, to Friday. Our core hours remain 10am, until 2pm, leaving enough time for the school run and Beckie’s 3:17pm, to 3:20pm Peloton attempt. So, if someone isn’t feeling like a morning person, there’s no need to clock in and drain themselves even further.

With the size of our appetites, both professional and food-related, we have always felt that 30 minutes just wasn’t enough time to heat up shovel down that bowl of last night’s pasta, nor is it an adequate timeframe to run to Gregg’s and back. So, our 35-hour working week means that everyone has a fair break to sit back, close the laptop and relax for an hour.

Mental Wellbeing 

Workplace burnouts are real and they are coming for the people who bring their laptops to bed with them, at night. That’s why we are committed to keeping our team’s brains in top-notch condition.

Mental health is not a topic to be taken lightly and we want to actively play our part in supporting our staff and raising awareness. This is why we joined the Mindful Employers initiative, becoming a certified Mindful Employer. Being a part of this has allowed us to educate ourselves on mental health within the workplace, engage in meaningful conversations with our employees and embed quality approaches and processes to allow for everyone to feel valued and safe.

Personal Development Plan

Every single one of our employees is allocated time to progress their career, with dedicated budgets for professional training courses and regular reviews with their line manager to determine where they want to go. The team at Design Box are passionate and enthusiastic about their fields, so we love to encourage training and development within each of our departments.

Our culture is driven by seeing both ourselves and our clients succeed. So, we take every step that we can to ensure a friendly, enthusiastic and ambitious working environment. Learn more about our Mindful Employer status here.

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