Why SEO Is Vital For Your Business

Welcome to the wonderful world of SEO!


  • SEO Basics
  • Keyword Research
  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page Optimisation
  • Link Building

If you’re just joining us in the land of digital marketing, it’s possible that you haven’t really got a clue what the fudge SEO is but may have heard it on the business marketing grapevine and don’t want to miss a trick.

Or, perhaps you’ve noticed that your competitors seem to have the online edge and you’re exploring ways to up your game.

Either way, nice to have you here.

Let’s start with the SEO basics… as opposed to…?

SEO stands for search engine optimisation, which broadly means that you are improving your website in order to make it more attractive to search engines, like Google, or Bing.

These search engines are scouring every corner of the internet to find an answer to a query, information on a topic, or a product that people want to buy. Much like developers, search engines never sleep, they’re always crawling and indexing the web, ranking every piece of information by how well it matches what that person is searching for.

There are thousands of factors that influence how a search engine documents and orders all this content and, quite frankly, we’re not going to risk the carpel tunnel by typing them all out for you. Instead, we’re going to tell you how your website can begin its journey to page one of Google. Other search engines are available.

It’s not enough to just have a website. If you’ve had a website created for, that’s amazing! And if you haven’t got that far, then you should talk to us here. But, excessive searching for your own website isn’t going to make it show.

Keyword Research

The first step to the SEO sweet spot is keyword research. Understand what your audience is searching for, what you can provide them and meet them there. Search engines reward sites that target their users before themselves. Ask yourself, do you know what your audience is seeking?

Top Tip: Don’t start writing out your keywords a thousand times a page. These search engines are smart and, if it’s not attractive to the reader, it’s not attractive to search engines.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is a biggie, but a must. To make your website more attractive to search engines, you need to implement meta tags and descriptions, robot directives and responsive design, learn more about that here. Link. I know what you’re thinking, but this means that you’ll rank in the correct places for the right searches and that…is priceless.

On-Page Optimisation

On-page optimisation is vital to increasing the visibility of your website, or even the top spot on search engines. Content is the best way to improve your on-page optimisation, as you can include your keywords and even related topics to help you become more detectable. Write valuable, helpful and informative content to assist your visitor in making their way through the sales funnel to that all-important conversation action. Make sure text, like headings, subheadings and images, are all relevant and appropriate.

Top Tip: Linking visitors to other pages on your website is a great way to improve your on-page optimisation, too. If you refer to a particular service or location, make sure you link to the relevant page on your website.

Your website needs to have authority in order to rank high up on search engines. This can be achieved in many ways, but link building is paramount. This is all about trying to get other sites of high levels of authority to promote your website. Whether that’s linking to a blog post you’ve written, getting feedback from a client, or making sure that you’re listed in relevant search directories in your local area. The possibilities are endless, but so are the results on search engines… and you don’t want to be stuck at the bottom, so make sure that these are sites of note.

And now, for my final thought… insert Jerry Springer GIF here…

SEO can seem like a mind field, only amplified by the knowledge that its work is never really done. Google, for example, is constantly updating its algorithms and AI technology, meaning that it is becoming even more intelligent with the changing of the leaves.

If you’re struggling to get your head around all this, trust us, you are not alone. We’re here to help you climb the rankings. Get in touch today and let’s have a real conversation about how we can support you to get ahead of the competition.

Let’s talk

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